Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Publication: 2024-2025 Catalog/Handbook (Spring Update) Program: Physical Therapy, DPT Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Physical Therapy, DPT

Curriculum – For Students Starting Fall 2024 or After

In this plan of study, students complete the DPT 7-term curriculum. In each trimester of this curriculum, students complete 15-week courses (Term A) as well as 7.5-week courses occurring in the first part of the trimester (Subterm D) and in the second part of the trimester (Subterm E).

Trimester 1

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

Term A

PHT 5117C - Integrated Foundational Sciences Hours: 6
PHT 5161 - Professional Formation I Hours: 2
PHT 5162C - Health Promotion, Fitness, and Wellness Hours: 2
PHT 5166C - Integrated Clinical Lab I Hours: 2

Subterm D

PHT 5128 - Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy Hours: 1
PHT 5139 - Fundamentals of Physical Therapy Hours: 2

Subterm E

PHT 5151 - Societal Health & Healthcare Systems Hours: 1
PHT 5156 - Evidence-Informed Practice Hours: 2

Total Hours 18

Trimester 2

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

Term A

PHT 5262 - Professional Formation II Hours: 1
PHT 5266C - Integrated Clinical Lab II Hours: 2

Subterm D

PHT 5203 - Clinical Reasoning and Communication Hours: 1
PHT 5211C - Patient Examination I Hours: 2
PHT 5216 - Biophysical Agents Hours: 1
PHT 5228 - Science of Movement Hours: 2
PHT 5237 - Medical Screening & Pathology I Hours: 2

Subterm E

PHT 5222C - Patient Examination II Hours: 2
PHT 5244 - Innovation and Technology Hours: 1
PHT 5247 - Medical Screening & Pathology II Hours: 2
PHT 5249C - Exercise Science and Prescription Hours: 3

Total Hours 19

Trimester 3

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

Term A

PHT 5303 - Integumentary Hours: 1
PHT 5342 - Clinical Reasoning & Decision Making I Hours: 1
PHT 5363 - Professional Formation III Hours: 1
PHT 5366C - Integrated Clinical Lab III Hours: 2

Subterm D

PHT 5311C - Neuromuscular I Hours: 2
PHT 5321C - Musculoskeletal I Hours: 2
PHT 5332C - Cardiovascular and Pulmonary I Hours: 2

Subterm E

PHT 5302C - Neuromuscular II Hours: 2
PHT 5322C - Musculoskeletal II Hours: 2
PHT 5341C - Cardiovascular & Pulmonary II Hours: 2

Total Hours 17

Trimester 4

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

Term A

PHT 5442 - Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making II Hours: 1
PHT 5464 - Professional Formation IV Hours: 1
PHT 5466C - Integrated Clinical Lab IV Hours: 2

Subterm D

PHT 5403C - Musculoskeletal III Hours: 2
PHT 5419C - Physical Therapy Across the Lifespan: Pediatrics Hours: 2
PHT 5423C - Neuromuscular III Hours: 2
PHT 5428C - Acute Care Physical Therapy Hours: 2

Subterm E

PHT 5404C - Musculoskeletal IV Hours: 2
PHT 5424C - Neuromuscular IV Hours: 2
PHT 5434C - Physical Therapy Across the Lifespan: Older Adults Hours: 2
PHT 5447C - Prosthetics and Orthotics Hours: 2

Total Hours 20

Trimester 5

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

Term A

PHT 5540 - Terminal Clinical I Hours: 10

Subterm D

PHT 5526 - Humanities in Healthcare Hours: 2

Total Hours 12

Trimester 6

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

Term A

PHT 5640 - Terminal Clinical II Hours: 8

Subterm E

PHT 5631 - Advanced Clinical Skills Hours: 1
PHT 5617 - Frontiers in Rehabilitation Hours: 2
PHT 5655 - Professional Formation V Hours: 1

Total Hours 12

Trimester 7

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

Term A

PHT 5740 - Terminal Clinical III Hours: 8

Subterm E

PHT 5732 - Research Hours: 1
PHT 5733 - Leadership and Administration Hours: 1
PHT 5766 - Professional Formation VI Hours: 2

Total Hours 12

Degree Credit Hours 110

Curriculum – For Students Starting Fall 2023 or After

In this plan of study, students complete the PT Management for Musculoskeletal Disorders course series.

Trimester I

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
HSC 5136 - Evidence-Informed Practice: Research Fundamentals Hours: 2
PHT 5121C - Gross Anatomy I Hours: 4
PHT 5125C - Applied Anatomy I Hours: 1
PHT 5130C - Patient Care Management I Hours: 3
PHT 5150 - Pathophysiology Hours: 4
PHT 5155 - Physical Therapist Practice I Hours: 3
PHT 5160C - Soft Tissue Interventions I Hours: 1

Total Hours 18

Trimester II

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5220C - Gross Anatomy II Hours: 4
PHT 5226C - Applied Anatomy II Hours: 1
PHT 5230C - Biomechanics Hours: 4
PHT 5240 - Imaging Hours: 2
PHT 5245C - Movement Science I Hours: 4
PHT 5251C - Foundations of Musculoskeletal Care Hours: 4

Total Hours 19

Trimester III

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5310C - Clinical Neuroscience Hours: 4
PHT 5315C - Neuromuscular I: Concepts and Examination Hours: 3
PHT 5345C - Movement Science II Hours: 4
PHT 5351C - Physical Therapy Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders l Hours: 4
PHT 5360C - Differential Diagnosis Hours: 2
PHT 5375 - Pharmacology Hours: 2

Total Hours 19

Trimester IV

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5415C - Neuromuscular II: Evidence in Interventions Hours: 3
PHT 5420C - Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy Hours: 3
PHT 5430C - Patient Care Management II Hours: 3
PHT 5435C - Biophysical Agents Hours: 2
PHT 5440C - Physical Therapy for the Integumentary & Lymphatic Systems Hours: 1
PHT 5452C - Physical Therapy Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders II Hours: 4
PHT 5456 - Physical Therapist Practice II Hours: 3

Total Hours 19

Trimester V

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5525C - Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Assistive Technology Hours: 3
PHT 5530C - Patient Care Management III Hours: 3
PHT 5535 - Evidence-Informed Practice II Hours: 2
PHT 5550C - Soft Tissue Interventions II Hours: 2
PHT 5570 - Integrated Clinical Experience Hours: 6

Total Hours 16

Trimester VI

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5610C - Pediatric Physical Therapy Hours: 3
PHT 5615C - Neuromuscular III: Advanced Examination and Intervention Hours: 3
PHT 5620C - Geriatric Physical Therapy Hours: 3
PHT 5653C - Physical Therapy Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders III Hours: 1
PHT 5665 - Wellness and Health Promotion Hours: 3
PHT 5670 - Administration and Management in Physical Therapy Hours: 3

Total Hours 16

Trimester VII

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5770 - Terminal Clinical Experience I Hours: 11
PHT 5780 - Knowledge Translation for Clinical Practice Hours: 1

Total Hours 12

Trimester VIII

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5835 - Evidence-Informed Practice III Hours: 1
PHT 5870 - Terminal Clinical Experience II Hours: 11

Total Hours 12

Degree Credit Hours 131

Curriculum – For Students Starting Summer 2023 or Before

In this plan of study, students complete the Musculoskeletal I–IV course series.

Trimester I

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
HSC 5136 - Evidence-Informed Practice: Research Fundamentals Hours: 2
PHT 5121C - Gross Anatomy I Hours: 4
PHT 5125C - Applied Anatomy I Hours: 1
PHT 5130C - Patient Care Management I Hours: 3
PHT 5150 - Pathophysiology Hours: 4
PHT 5155 - Physical Therapist Practice I Hours: 3
PHT 5160C - Soft Tissue Interventions I Hours: 1

Total Hours 18

Trimester II

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5220C - Gross Anatomy II Hours: 4
PHT 5226C - Applied Anatomy II Hours: 1
PHT 5230C - Biomechanics Hours: 4
PHT 5240 - Imaging Hours: 2
PHT 5245C - Movement Science I Hours: 4
PHT 5250C - Musculoskeletal I: Introduction to Orthopedic Physical Therapy Hours: 4

Total Hours 18

Trimester III

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5310C - Clinical Neuroscience Hours: 4
PHT 5315C - Neuromuscular I: Concepts and Examination Hours: 3
PHT 5345C - Movement Science II Hours: 4
PHT 5350C - Musculoskeletal II: Extremity Hours: 3
PHT 5360C - Differential Diagnosis Hours: 2
PHT 5375 - Pharmacology Hours: 2

Total Hours 18

Trimester IV

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5415C - Neuromuscular II: Evidence in Interventions Hours: 3
PHT 5420C - Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy Hours: 3
PHT 5430C - Patient Care Management II Hours: 3
PHT 5435C - Biophysical Agents Hours: 2
PHT 5440C - Physical Therapy for the Integumentary & Lymphatic Systems Hours: 1
PHT 5450C - Musculoskeletal III: Spine Hours: 3
PHT 5456 - Physical Therapist Practice II Hours: 3

Total Hours 18

Trimester V

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5525C - Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Assistive Technology Hours: 3
PHT 5530C - Patient Care Management III Hours: 3
PHT 5535 - Evidence-Informed Practice II Hours: 2
PHT 5550C - Soft Tissue Interventions II Hours: 2
PHT 5570 - Integrated Clinical Experience Hours: 6

Total Hours 16

Trimester VI

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5610C - Pediatric Physical Therapy Hours: 3
PHT 5615C - Neuromuscular III: Advanced Examination and Intervention Hours: 3
PHT 5620C - Geriatric Physical Therapy Hours: 3
PHT 5665 - Wellness and Health Promotion Hours: 3
PHT 5670 - Administration and Management in Physical Therapy Hours: 3
PHT 5650C - Musculoskeletal IV: Clinical Reasoning Hours: 3

Total Hours 18

Trimester VII

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5770 - Terminal Clinical Experience I Hours: 11
PHT 5780 - Knowledge Translation for Clinical Practice Hours: 1

Total Hours 12

Trimester VIII

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHT 5835 - Evidence-Informed Practice III Hours: 1
PHT 5870 - Terminal Clinical Experience II Hours: 11

Total Hours 12

Degree Credit Hours 131
