Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Publication: 2023-2024 Catalog/Handbook (Summer Update) Program: Education, EdD, General Electives Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Education, EdD, General Electives

Students in the online Doctor of Education (EdD) program take a total of 60 credits—38 credits of required core courses as well as 22 general elective credits and/or specialization credits.

General Electives Curriculum

Course NameHours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ATP 7050 - Cultural Competency Hours: 3
ATP 7100 - Advanced Topics: Ethics in Health Care Hours: 3
ATP 7130 - Evidence Based Injury Prevention Hours: 3
ATP 7255 - Concussion in Sport Hours: 3
ATP 7280 - Psychosocial Strategies for Patient Care Hours: 3
COM 7130 - Healthcare Communication and Collaboration Hours: 3
EDF 7013 - Practical Application of Online Teaching Hours: 3
EDF 7161 - Program and Curricular Design for Health Science Education Hours: 3
EDF 7181 - Technology in Higher Education Hours: 3
EDF 7235 - Ethical Principles in Healthcare Hours: 3
EDF 7250 - Teaching Internship Hours: Variable
EDF 7260 - Assessment and Evaluation in Health Professions Education Hours: 3
EDF 7320 - Leadership Development for Advancing the Future of Nursing Education Hours: 3
EDF 7323 - Contemporary Issues in Nursing Education Hours: 3
EDF 7455 - Special Topics in Professional Practice Hours: 1-6
HSA 7200 - Foundations of Healthcare Administration Hours: 3


HSA 7200B - Foundations of Healthcare Administration (B) Hours: 3
HSA 7236 - Accounting, Finance and Economics for the Healthcare Leader Hours: 3
HSA 7250 - Human Resources Management and Organizational Development in Healthcare Hours: 3
HSA 7260 - Operations and Quality Management in Healthcare Hours: 3


HSA 7260B - Operations and Quality Management in Healthcare (B) Hours: 3
HSC 7200 - Information Literacy for Evidence-Based Practice Hours: 1
IPE 7121 - Organizational Leadership & Policy in Health Care Hours: 3
IPE 7121B - Organizational Leadership & Policy in Health Care (B) Hours: 3
IPE 7133 - Strategic Planning in Healthcare Administration Hours: 3
IPE 7200 - Cultural Competence in Healthcare Hours: 3


IPE 7200B - Cultural Competence in Healthcare (B) Hours: 3

Elective Credit Hours 10-22

Degree Credit Hours 60
