Feb 17, 2025  
2022-2023 University Catalog/Handbook (Spring Update) NOT CURRENT 
2022-2023 University Catalog/Handbook (Spring Update) NOT CURRENT [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Safety, Security, and Technology

Security Policy

Reporting Emergency Situations and Security Concerns

Emergency situations involving a threat to life or property should be reported to the police (911) and communicated immediately thereafter to the University by calling campus security at the numbers below or 800-266-4357 (HELP). The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) encourages all students, faculty, and staff to be involved in campus crime prevention.

  • San Marcos: 760-407-4263
  • St. Augustine: 904-439-3814
  • Miami: 786-858-6785
  • Austin: 512-565-3658
  • Dallas: 469-594-0066

For instances of rape/sexual misconduct, please see Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Grievance Reporting Policy & Procedures .

If other types of improprieties occur, these should be reported immediately to the University by calling 800-241-1027. At that time, a report of the incident will be written and statements taken. Incident Report Forms are located on MyUSA, on the Student Services tab, Forms link.

Emergency and Safety Procedures

The Emergency Operations Plan is available on the main website: https://www.usa.edu/safety-security/.

Medical Emergency

In a medical emergency, call 911 immediately and render first aid as able. Stay with the individual until emergency services arrive. When a student is injured, he or she should complete an Incident Report Form found at MyUSA, Students Services, Safety & Security, and file this form, along with any other required forms, with his or her health insurance provider.

In the case of an outbreak of a communicable disease(s), it is important that members of the campus community are ready to respond. The Campus Response Team, in conjunction with the Emergency Management Team, will monitor potential outbreaks in the community that could affect those on campus and determine if or when preventative or responsive actions may be necessary. Please refer to the Emergency Operations Plan for full details.

Structural Emergency

Upon hearing an alarm, students will follow the posted evacuation procedures, following exit signs that are displayed. Gather at the predetermined locations that are a safe distance from the building until emergency services arrive. Look for staff with signs at these locations.

Weather Emergency

In the event of a weather emergency, such as a hurricane or tornado, students, faculty, and staff will be alerted of any campus closures and other cancellations or delays via email, text message, and phone calls to their cell phone numbers. “All Clear” messages will alert the University community when it is safe to return to campus.

Natural Disaster Emergency

In the event of a natural disaster, such as a wildfire or earthquake evacuation, students (and family members) are asked to monitor the University website for any cancellation or restart dates and times. Further information will be provided by faculty and/or staff at the time of the emergency. Information about reopening will also be provided via the University voice mail system by calling the main number: (800) 241-1027.

Safety on Campus

Certain safeguards are in place to ensure as safe of an environment as possible. These safety features include the following:

  • In case of a campus emergency, all students will be notified via the emergency communication system.
  • Exterior building doors are routinely kept locked, and access is available only to those with appropriate card access; however, this does not impact emergency egress.
  • Talk-A-Phones/Blue Light Emergency Phones are located throughout the parking lots and University grounds on the San Marcos, St. Augustine, and Austin campuses for emergency use.
  • A security guard is available on each campus, including designated weekends when the campus is open for student access. The hours on each campus our Sunday–Saturday, 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., local time.
  • All faculty, staff, and students are expected to wear ID badges at all times.
  • All visitors must report to the administration building (or the security guard desk if after hours) for permission to enter the campus, to receive a visitor’s badge, and to be escorted by a campus employee/security guard as appropriate.
  • Emergency contacts and evacuation plans are posted in all classrooms and student/employee meeting areas. Telephones are available in all classrooms.
    • Security guard phone numbers are as follows:
      • CASM: 760-407-4623
      • FLSA: 904-439-3814
      • FLMI: 786-858-6785
      • TXAU: 512-348-9649
      • TXDA: 469-594-0066
  • To ensure student safety on campus, each student should be personally responsible by
    • being alert to unsafe situations and reporting them immediately to University employees,
    • keeping the exterior doors closed and/or locked (do not prop doors open),
    • not allowing non-University individuals to enter the building when entering or exiting,
    • reporting lost/stolen card access ID badges immediately to the customer service coordinator,
    • not walking to cars alone after dark; using the buddy system, especially when a student feels his or her personal safety may be threatened,
    • not entering any situation or location where they feel threatened or unsafe, and
    • not leaving valuables in plain sight in vehicles; students should lock these items in the trunk or remove them.

Unlawful and Controlled Substances Policy

It is unlawful for any person to sell, manufacture, deliver, or possess with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver a controlled substance. Any person violating the provisions of the respective state, county, or federal law may be guilty of a felony, or, in some cases, a misdemeanor. The severity of the sanctions imposed for both possession and distribution offenses depends on the quantity of drugs, prior convictions, and whether death or serious injury resulted. Sanctions may be increased for offenses that involve distribution to minors or occur on or near a school or campus. In addition, other federal laws require or permit forfeiture of personal or real property used to illegally possess, facilitate possession, transport, or for concealment of a controlled substance. A person’s right to purchase or receive a firearm or other federal benefits, such as student loans, grants, contracts, or professional or commercial licenses, may also be revoked or denied as a result of a drug conviction.

USAHS will impose sanctions on students and/or employees for violation of the standards of conduct consistent with local, state, and federal laws. Sanctions may include disciplinary action up to and including dismissal and referral for prosecution. Sanctions for employees may include disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Alcohol Policy

USAHS complies with appropriate state statutes and city ordinances dealing with the consumption of alcoholic beverages on USAHS premises and at any function in which USAHS’ name is involved. Students and their guests who consume any alcoholic beverage on campus or at an event sponsored by USAHS or any entity of USAHS must be at least 21 years of age and must be able to furnish proof of age at the event. USAHS and its agents reserve the right to refuse to serve alcoholic beverages to anyone who is visibly intoxicated or whose behavior, at the sole discretion of USAHS and its agents, warrants the refusal of service. Any individual who arrives at a USAHS function either on- or off-campus in a visibly intoxicated state may, at the sole discretion of USAHS or its agents, be denied entrance to the event.

Drug and Alcohol Counseling

Students who desire drug and alcohol abuse counseling should contact a Dean or Program Director so that a referral to the appropriate agency may be made. Students may also refer to the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program located on the MyUSA portal, Student Services tab, as well as at www.usa.edu/legal/alcohol-drug-abuse-prevention-program/.

Tobacco Policy

USAHS is a smoke- and tobacco-free environment. Smoking, vaping, or the use of smokeless tobacco is not permitted on any University campus.

Prohibited Weapons Policy

USAHS desires to maintain a safe environment for all students, faculty members, staff members, contractors, and visitors. This policy seeks to reduce the risk of injury or death associated with the intentional or accidental use of weapons.

The possession, transfer, sale, or use of weapons, dangerous instruments, or paraphernalia associated with a weapon is prohibited on University premises. This includes those licensed to carry a weapon, except as provided by the law of the state in which the USAHS campus is located. (Please refer to local state law as these vary from state to state.) This restriction includes but is not limited to University grounds, offices, classrooms, University-sponsored events, and vehicles being used to conduct University business. The possession of weapons is prohibited at all times while conducting University business. This policy applies to all students, faculty, and staff of the University, and violation may result in discipline up to and including termination of employment or expulsion. Where appropriate, University officials will report the transfer, sale, or use of weapons or dangerous instruments to local law enforcement authorities.


The University prohibits any weapon, including

  • firearms (including concealed handguns and BB guns, whether loaded or unloaded);
  • knives (including switchblades, stilettos, swords, etc.);
  • police batons or nightsticks;
  • all martial arts weapons;
  • electronic defense weapons, except as provided by law; and
  • any other dangerous instrument.

A “dangerous instrument” is defined as any instrument, article, or substance that, under immediate circumstances, is capable of causing death or physical injury. Any member of the campus community who has a question about whether an instrument, article, or substance is considered a weapon in violation of this Policy should ask for clarification from appropriate University officials (supervisors, academic department heads, etc.) prior to bringing the instrument, article, or substance onto University premises. Exceptions to the Prohibited Weapons policy must be approved beforehand by a representative of the President’s Office. Any weapon on University premises may be confiscated. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to weapons on campus, and desks, workstations, offices, lockers, bags, briefcases, files, etc. may be subject to reasonable security searches.

If suspicious behavior is observed, it should be reported immediately to a supervisor, program director, or campus security.

Privacy Policy

USAHS is committed to respecting students’ privacy. The Privacy Policy located at https://www.usa.edu/legal/privacy-policy/ describes what information USAHS collects from students and how USAHS uses this information. The University reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and without notice by posting such changes to the University website. Any such change will be effective immediately upon posting.

Questions regarding this policy, or comments concerning the website, should be directed to the University by sending an email to privacy@usa.edu.

Acceptable Internet Use

The University is required to have a policy that explains fair use of the network (Internet/computers/phone) and to hold itself harmless should a virus or other events occur as a result of using the network. This is normal and customary and protects the University, employees, and the student against frivolous litigation and claims.

USAHS reserves the right to modify its Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) at any time, effective upon either the posting of the modified AUP to www.usa.edu or notification of the modified AUP via the Catalog/Handbook or written notice. By using the services, and thereby accepting the terms and conditions of the AUP, students agree to abide by the AUP as modified from time to time. Any violation of the AUP may result in the suspension or termination of the student’s account.

The user (defined as anyone using computers, hardware, phones, wireless access, or Internet services) is responsible for any breaches of security affecting servers, routers, workstations, or other systems under user control. If a user’s system is involved in an attack on another network or system, it will be shut down and an immediate investigation will be launched to determine the cause/source of the attack. In such an event, the user is responsible for the cost to rectify any damage done to their computer and any other requirement affected by the security breach.

If the user is accessing the wireless Internet via a personally owned computer, it is the user’s responsibility to maintain current virus definitions, operating system updates, and a firewall on his or her computer. The University takes no responsibility in any type of damage that may occur to a user’s computer while accessing University services (wireless or other).

All users of the Internet at USAHS are expected to use this resource in a responsible and courteous manner, consistent with the purposes for which it is provided, and to follow all Internet-related rules, regulations, and procedures established for its use.

The University provides users with access to the Internet. The Internet offers access to many valuable local, national, and international sources of information. However, not all sources provide accurate, complete, or current information.

The University makes no warranty, expressed or implied, for the timeliness, accuracy, or usefulness for a particular purpose of information accessed via the Internet. The University cannot regulate the nature or content of the information accessed nor the availability of any given Internet site. The University network/services must be used only for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution, or storage of any information, data, or material in violation of United States or state regulation or law, or by the common law, is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights.

Storage of personal items (i.e., not work-related) such as music, videos, pictures, emails, and documents on the University server or individual computers is not an acceptable use of University resources.

Responsible use of the Internet at USAHS includes:

  • Using the University’s Internet resources for educational and informational purposes only.
  • Respecting intellectual property rights by making only authorized copies of the copyrighted or licensed software or data residing on the Internet.
  • Refraining from attempts to codify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others, and by not seeking disallowed access to any computer system via the Internet.
  • Refraining from illegal or unethical use of the Internet.
  • Refraining from damaging or altering the configuration of the equipment used to access the Internet at the University.
  • Refraining from altering or damaging software or data residing on the Internet.
  • Refraining from the deliberate propagation of computer worms and viruses.

Guidelines for Internet Use

The University provides individual Internet email accounts for all degree-seeking students. All University communication will be through the University email address.

Failure to use the Internet appropriately, legally, and responsibly will result in

  • suspension or termination of a student’s University account,
  • a referral to the Professional Misconduct Committee or Human Resources for harassment, or
  • referral to the respective Program Director for further disciplinary action.

Use of File Transfer between Personal and USAHS Computers

The Internet has become more dangerous than ever. Virus spyware and malware are now easily hidden on commonly used web pages and email. Internet criminals have devised methods for infecting computers when users visit a URL that they may have found to be safe previously. For this reason, it has become necessary to require those who transfer files from home to work (via email, USB drive, CD, etc.) to have a good antivirus/anti-malware application installed on their home computers. That software must be kept up to date.

The IT department also strongly recommends that students allow OS updates to occur on a regular basis, turn on their firewall, and check frequently to ensure all antivirus updates are occurring on a regular basis.

Wireless Internet Access Policy

Wireless access is available in certain areas of the campus, though coverage and uptime are not guaranteed. If students have a laptop computer, tablet, or smartphone with a mobile-ready processor, they will be able to access the Internet while on campus. The University wireless network operates in the same fashion as any commercial wireless access point; it is not secure.

It is a user’s responsibility to keep his or her operating system up to date with all security patches and service packs. Firewall software is also recommended. Prevention is better than cure, and by following these simple guidelines, the wireless network can remain safe for fellow users.

It is prohibited and unlawful to deploy a wireless network that mimics the name of any University Service Set Identifier (SSID). If a wireless access point is being used by any student or any other person on the University’s grounds that mimics or attempts to mimic University wireless SSIDs, it will be confiscated and used as evidence in legal proceedings.

When users sign on to the wireless network, they are accepting the rules and regulations of the University AUP. Additionally, they are accepting responsibility for all security breaches or virus damage that may occur to their computer while accessing the University wireless network. The technical help desk and personnel at the University are not available to evaluate or fix student computers.

Social Networking—Acceptable Use

Social networking online tools and services, as defined below, make it very easy to create accounts for these services, upload content, and then tag the content. The tagging makes the networking possibilities very powerful, which may draw many viewers.

Many students, educators, employees, and administrators are aware of the great potential these social networking services may provide; however, they also recognize the potential dangers of such services. The following are guidelines for use of social networking tools.

Students should limit the use of social networking to their personal computers as most sites are known to have malicious software associated with at least part of the website.

NOTE: Please be sure to review Privacy Settings for Facebook accounts to make sure that personal and private information is not shared with the general public. To go to privacy settings, click the account menu at the top right of the Facebook page, and choose Privacy Settings. This page contains a group of general controls for the Facebook account, such as who can send friend requests and messages. For everything else that is shared on Facebook, the audience can be chosen when posting. Use this link for more information: http://www.facebook.com/help/privacy.


For the purpose of this policy, social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, blogs, and microblogs, online profiles, wikis, podcasts, pictures and videos, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, and voice over IP, to name just a few. Examples of social media applications are LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitter, Yelp, Flickr, Second Life, Yahoo groups, WordPress, ZoomInfo—the list is endlessly growing.

Policy on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Sharing

USAHS is committed to avoiding misuse of its computer network, including the use of the computer network to violate the Copyright Law of the United States. All students, faculty, and staff should have a basic understanding of the Copyright Law. Please refer to the employee, faculty, and the Catalog/Handbook for more information on the University copyright policy.

Campus computer networks have been popular sources of reproduction and distribution of illegal music, movies, television shows, pictures, and software through the use of peer-to-peer (P2) networks. When USAHS receives a formal complaint from a copyright holder, the University notifies the individual involved and passes along any information received from the copyright holder to that individual. The University does not supply any information to the copyright holder about the individual involved unless a valid subpoena is presented.

Active efforts are in place to prohibit the use of illegal file sharing, and USAHS employs Open DNS Filtering, which blocks access to all known file distributions sites.

Copyright Policy


  1. To enunciate the University’s commitment to copyright compliance in the academic environment
  2. To provide basic information on copyright protection and to offer clear examples of potential violations
  3. To direct students to educational and legal resources for addressing copyright questions
  4. To describe student disciplinary action to be taken when the University’s copyright policy has been violated

Statement on Copyright Compliance

USAHS expects all students, faculty, and staff to respect and adhere to U.S. copyright laws. Copyright laws govern the unauthorized copying, performance, licensing, modification, and distribution of creative works, including textbooks, music, artwork, and other published and unpublished works. Only the creator of the legal copyright holder has a right to copy, perform, license, modify, and distribute such works, even if there is no related profit motive.

The University works to educate its students and faculty on the ethical and legal use of copyrighted works and provides numerous resources to provide guidance on the use of these materials.

The University copyright policy will be provided to incoming students in the Catalog/Handbook, and additional information on copyright is readily available through the University library web page in the “Copyright” section.

Student violation of copyright laws or policy is considered academic misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action through the Professional Misconduct Committee. Under U.S. Copyright Law, a copyright owner who has been the victim of copyright infringement is entitled to recover actual damages and profits from the infringer or statutory damages of up to $30,000 per violation. The copyright owner has the right to permanently enjoin the infringer from further infringing activities. Willful infringement can result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment and significant fines.

What Copyright Laws Protect

Copyright laws protect any work that requires creative effort, is original, and is set down in a tangible medium of expression. This ensures that the author of creative intellectual work is rewarded for his or her effort and promotes creativity. Only the copyright holder of a work may sell or transfer his or her rights, including copying, performing, licensing, creating derivative works from, and distributing the work.

While certain very limited exceptions are made under the law for educational purposes, any copying and distribution of creative works without the permission of the copyright holder may be illegal. Educational exceptions are briefly outlined under Fair Use below.

A work does not need to be registered with the copyright office to be protected by the law, it needs only to be recorded or set down in a tangible medium of expression. That means that even if it does not contain the copyright symbol (©), it remains protected and cannot be copied or distributed without permission of the creator.

A work does not have to be published in order to be protected by copyright, it needs only to be recorded or set down in a tangible format. Copyright protection is instant upon creation. For example, a professor’s course pack assembled and shared with a class would be protected by law, since it was created by the professor. That professor may have given permission by sharing the course pack or distributing copies her/himself, but further duplication without permission would violate copyright protections. While the course pack might later be published, it would not need to be published in order to be protected.

Digital scanning is a form of copying, even though it does not create a physical copy of the work. For example, scanning copies of a textbook for another student to use would be a violation of the law, even if the original textbook were purchased, since it creates a copy without the copyright holder’s consent. Placing a copy on a shared drive service like Dropbox would also be illegal since this effectively distributes copies to those who download the item. Making copies of an eBook version of the book would also violate copyright law. Even piecemeal copying of chapters in this situation, either by photocopy or electronic copy, would violate copyright laws.

Downloading or sharing infringing content using USAHS’ network, whether through a peer-to-peer service or from any other source without the rightsholder’s permission is a violation of the law which may subject the user to civil and criminal liabilities.

These are clear cases of copyright violations, but many cases are very complex and may require review or consultation with legal counsel. In order to ensure continuing good faith and to remain in compliance with copyright law, we encourage students to be cautious in their use of protected materials, to take advantage of resources for evaluation of use, and to consult legal counsel when necessary.

Detailed information and links to additional copyright education resources are made available on the Copyright section of the Library website.

Fair Use in Education

USAHS recognizes that U.S. copyright law does make limited exceptions for use of copyrighted materials for educational purposes. In situations where the copying is done for the purposes of teaching, research, learning, comment, or criticism, fair use exceptions may be made to the exclusive rights of copyright. Simply because copying is motivated by educational purposes does not mean it is exempt from the penalty; other factors are critical to determining whether fair use applies under the law.

The general criteria are applied by the courts on a case-by-case basis, but include evaluation of the following four factors:

  1. The purpose and nature of the work, including whether the use is of a commercial nature or for educational or critical purposes.
  2. The nature of the copyrighted work, including whether it is fictional or factual and the creative effort required to produce it.
  3. The amount of the original work copied and whether this includes a substantial portion of the original or an important component that forms the heart of the work.
  4. The effect upon the potential market for the original work or upon its value. Even if a work is unpublished, its potential value is a factor.

It is important to be aware that the nature of USAHS as a private corporation could weigh heavily as providing a “commercial nature” to campus work. Thus, resources are provided for the careful evaluation of fair use by students, including fair use evaluation tools which can be found through the “Copyright” section of the University library’s website.

The University encourages the use of fair use evaluation forms for all educational use of copyrighted works in order to ensure compliance with laws and to provide a record of good faith attempts to evaluate fair use.

Student Disciplinary Action

USAHS takes compliance with federal copyright laws very seriously and has formulated this copyright policy to ensure adherence to the law by all students.

A copy of this policy is provided to each incoming student as a part of the Catalog/Handbook. Students are therefore expected to aware of and to comply with these policies. Students are encouraged to report the unlawful copying of materials by contacting their librarian, a faculty member, or initiate a report directly to the Professional Misconduct Committee.

Students found to have engaged in the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials will be referred to the Professional Misconduct Committee for disciplinary action and could be expelled from the University.

Additionally, USAHS responds to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notices, which are immediately escalated to USAHS’ legal team for investigation and action. If the materials in question are determined by the legal department to be infringing, the Information Technology department is notified and action is taken that can include either the removal of the infringing materials from USAHS’ network or the blocking of the infringer’s network access. The infringer is notified and reminded of USAHS’ Code of Conduct. Repeated violations can result in dismissal.

Additional Information and Assistance

Copyright is a very complex area of the law, even for experts, so if there are questions, consult the many resources available or consider contacting legal counsel. Useful information on the basics of copyright and educational exceptions can be found on the “Copyright” section of the University Library web page.

All members of USAHS are encouraged to familiarize themselves with copyright basics and to utilize resources for Fair Use evaluation regularly in conjunction with this policy when making copyright judgments.

Student Property Rights to Inventions, Techniques, and Materials

Any inventions, techniques, materials, or processes or ideas in whole or in part conceived or made by a student which are made through the use of any of USAHS’s equipment, facilities, trade secrets, money, or time shall belong exclusively to USAHS, unless a waiver has been approved.

Cell Phone Use on Campus

  • Ringer should be turned off during class or labs.
  • No text messaging is allowed during class or labs.
  • Cell phone/tablet camera, audio, or video recording may not be used during class or labs unless permission is given by the instructor.
  • Cell phones and cameras are to be stored in book bags or other secure locations during exams or exam review sessions and should be either turned off or placed on vibrate. Cell phones are not allowed to be in pockets or attached to pants or lying on tables.
  • If a student must make/receive an important call during class or lab hours, the student should inform and get permission from the instructor. Phones should be either turned off or placed on vibrate.
  • When talking on cell phones in hallways, students should be courteous and keep their voices down or move to a quiet area.
  • No cell phone conversations are permitted, and phones should be placed on silent when in the library or quiet-study-zone areas.

Student Identity Verification

Students are required to verify their identities to participate in campus-based and online activities.

Students must always wear a university-issued student identification badge while on campus or participating in University events.

All students must use a unique username and password to access the MyUSA portal and Blackboard learning management system.

Students must adhere to proctoring requirements and be seen, identified, and verified prior to receiving testing materials.

All programs have a built-in physical presence that allows for verification of personal identity and student work through residencies, seminars, comprehensive examinations, online video components, capstone and dissertation presentations, and internship, fieldwork, and clinical experiences.

ID Badges


Students will receive a student identification badge that includes the student’s photograph, name, and year of enrollment. Photographs may be taken on interview day or during new student orientation. Identification badges must be worn where it is visible while on University property or while engaged in any university-related event. The University may charge, if the local laws allow, a fee for replacement badges. All badges will remain active for 30 days after degrees are conferred to enable students to utilize the library.


Students on campus for a seminar/residency will receive a temporary name badge on the first day of the seminar/residency that will provide access to the campus for those days only. Students may request a student identification badge that includes the student’s photograph and name. To request a badge, please email the program coordinator and include a passport-type photo. Note: badges will enable students to access only the University’s library. When the badge is complete and ready for pick up, the program coordinator will contact the student by email to arrange delivery or pickup. The student must provide a photo ID for verification. Identification badges must be worn while on University property or while engaged in any University-related event. The University may charge, if the local laws allow, a fee for replacement badges. The badge will remain active for 30 days after degrees are conferred to enable students to utilize the library. Students visiting a campus that are not attending a seminar/residency or do not have a student identification badge will need to stop at the lobby and sign in as a visitor.

Email Account

Each USAHS student will be provided a University email address. Students will use email to stay connected with faculty, support staff, and other students at USAHS. Students should begin monitoring the account as soon as possible but no later than the first day of classes. The University will frequently use email to send important announcements and information. Students will be expected to be able to reply and interact in a timely manner. Students must use USAHS email for all school-related business. USAHS departments will formally communicate with students using the USAHS email address.

All students should identify the program in which they are enrolled in their email signature. Students who are enrolled in a First-Professional program should use only the appropriate designator for a student (SPT, OTS, etc.) as determined by their profession and program in their USAHS-related communications. Students should not use the student designator in work situations and should not use other designations (licensure, certification, advanced degrees, etc.) in their USAHS signature. For example:

Jane Doe, SPT
Austin, TX, Flex DPT Program
John Doe, OTS
San Marcos, CA, MOT Program
Jane Doe, RN, MSN
EdD Program 

Students may wish to use the organizational features of the email software (folders, contacts, etc.) to facilitate email management. Plan on checking email frequently and set up an electronic filing system for messages. Delete messages that have already been dealt with and save attachments to a designated area on a hard drive.

Remember to frequently check the spam or junk mailboxes. Sometimes University emails (.edu addresses) are identified as spam and important information is missed because the email message is not in the usual inbox.

MyUSA Portal

MyUSA is a web portal for the USAHS community. It is accessible at my.usa.edu. Certain tabs (sections) of the portal are accessible to all while others require the appropriate USAHS single sign-on (SSO) credentials.

Students use the MyUSA portal to access grades and forms, update personal information, view schedules, and financial account information, utilize library resources, register for distance education courses, order transcripts, and much more.

Technology Requirements

Each USAHS residential student is required to have a laptop computer that can access the University’s wireless network for course notes, exams, and the online course platform. Post-Professional students are required to have daily access to a computer with reliable high-speed Internet and video camera.

Most new or recently manufactured computers will easily meet or exceed the requirements.

Laptop/Computer Requirements

Operating System MacOS or Windows with the latest updates and patches
Processor Intel Core i5 5th generation or greater
Memory 8 GB or more
Hard Disk Storage 500 GB or more
Webcam Internal or External web camera (1280×720 resolution)
Internet Download speeds > 1.5Mbps and upload speeds > 1Mbps

Microsoft Office is the preferred office suite. Students can access Microsoft Office Online apps and Microsoft OneDrive using their USAHS email login. Students can quickly create and save new Office documents when signed into Office 365.

The campus supports 802.11g/n/ac wireless standards. In order to successfully connect to the wireless network while on campus, the computer or tablet will need to conform to the 802.11g/n/ac standards.

Students must be sure the computer has reliable antivirus software installed. Microsoft Security Essentials (free) and Norton and Trend Micro (paid) are some common offerings, but there are many excellent free antivirus solutions also available on the Internet. Please be aware that sharing files or using the internet without an antivirus solution is extremely likely to get the computer infected.

If a student is buying a new computer, he or she should consider getting one with a 3-year factory (not a third-party) warranty. Laptop parts are fragile and many are brand-specific. They often need factory servicing because of their proprietary parts. That warranty will last through much of the degree program and the computer will be technically obsolete by the time the warranty runs out. 


Textbooks are the responsibility of the learner. Not all courses require textbooks (refer to the course syllabus). To access book lists, students should sign into MyUSA, click on the Campus tab, then on the appropriate campus. Student Services provides a book list to incoming, first-term MOT, OTD, DPT and MS-SLP students prior to the start of classes.


All campuses offer photocopiers, scanners, and printers for student use in the Library at no cost to students. Full details on procedures are available on the Library’s Printing, Copying, and Scanning page. Refer to the Copyright Policy to avoid reproducing materials inappropriately.