Mar 30, 2025
2020–2021 Catalog/Handbook NOT CURRENT [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Addenda since Publication (July 1, 2020)
- Update to include the PG Cert FNP program under Title IV:
- Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy—MHA, MHS, MSN, DNP, EdD, tDPT, PPOTD, PG Cert (FNP)
- Expected and Maximum Completion Time Frames Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Good Academic Standing, Academic Progression, Retention, Warning, Probation (MHA, MHS, MSN, DNP, PPOTD, tDPT, EdD, PG Cert FNP)
- Update to Course Withdrawal Policy :
- DPT, MOT, OTD, MS-SLP: Students are allowed 2 withdrawals in total throughout the duration of the program. Withdrawal deadline is posted in the Academic Calendar for 15-week courses.
- MHA, MHS, EdD, MSN, DNP, tDPT, PPOTD, PG Nursing Certs: Withdrawal deadline is posted in the course syllabus if not a 15-week course.
- Update to Practical Examination Policy for University Courses :
- First-term Residential students and first- or second-term Flex students are permitted 2 retakes of each practical exam.
- Residential students beyond first term and Flex students beyond second term are permitted to retake each practical exam only one time.
- Update to the Leave of Absence Policy :
- Appropriate documentation must be submitted when requesting a short- or long-term LOA.
- All students returning from an LOA must submit a Return from LOA form.
- Update to Veteran’s Benefits :
- Added GI Bill attribution clause to Veteran’s Benefits as required by California VA.
- Update to suspend GRE requirement for MOT and OTD.
- Update to PHT 5455 in Physical Therapy, DPT and Physical Therapy, Flex DPT
- New course: PHT 5456 effective Spring 2021
- MHS 7315 added as elective to Health Science, MHS Athletic Training Specialization
- Update to HSC 5135 in Physical Therapy, DPT , Physical Therapy, Flex DPT , Occupational Therapy, MOT , Occupational Therapy, Flex MOT , Occupational Therapy, OTD , and Occupational Therapy, Flex OTD
- New course: HSC 5136 effective Spring 2021
- Update to SLP 5305 in Speech-Language Pathology, MS-SLP
- New course: SLP 5306 effective Spring 2021
- Update to SLP 5002 in Speech-Language Pathology, MS-SLP Leveling Courses
- Correction: IPE 7120 and IPE 7120B were replaced with IPE 7121 and IPE 7121B and are reflected in the following locations:
- Added 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
- Effective Spring 2021 IPE 7000 and IPE 7000B are replaced by IPE 7001 and IPE 7001B . The curriculum was updated to reflect this change in the following programs:
- Education, EdD , Health Administration, MHA , Health Science, MHS , Nursing Practice, DNP , Nursing, MSN , Occupational Therapy, PPOTD , and Physical Therapy, tDPT
- IPE 7575 replaces ATP 6175 in the following programs: Health Science, MHS , Occupational Therapy, PPOTD , and Physical Therapy, tDPT
- SLP 5306 inactivated and replaced by HSC 5136 and SLP 5320 in the Speech-Language Pathology, MS-SLP program
Removed the following notice from Accreditations and Approvals .
Effective January 2019, the California Board of Registered Nursing (“Board”) adopted regulations requiring nurse practitioner programs to obtain approval by the Board to offer clinical placements to their students in the State of California. We are currently pursuing approval with the Board and will provide information on any material updates. This does not impact USAHS’ existing authorizations for clinical placements in other states.
- Updated accreditation statement on MS-SLP program page .
- Updated admissions requirements to add Aural Rehabilitiation to the MS-SLP prerequisite leveling courses.
- Updated MS-SLP admissions requirements and Non-Degree-Seeking Students registration information to limit registration for leveling course to no more than six credit hours per term.
- Updated Dallas OTD Accreditations and Approvals to reflect the program’s preaccreditation status.
- Updated Board of Directors to include Nick Mancini in place of Sam Guo.
- Updated the following course titles to indicate B courses:
- EDF 7050B Teaching Methods for Higher Education (B)
- EDF 7175B Foundational Theory in Education (B)
- HSA 7200B Foundations of Healthcare Administration (B)
- HSA 7260B Operations & Quality Management in Healthcare Administration (B)
- IPE 7000B Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (B)
- IPE 7001B Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (B)
- IPE 7025B Psychosocial Strategies for Healthcare (B)
- IPE 7050B Evidence-Based Practice for Healthcare Professionals (B)
- IPE 7121B Organizational Leadership & Policy in Healthcare (B)
- IPE 7200B Cultural Competence in Healthcare (B)
- IPE 7400B Healthcare Informatics and Technology Management (B)
- IPE 7421B Interprofessional Approaches to Regional and Global Population Health (B)
- Updated Tuition and Fees for Post Graduate Nursing Certificates, Non-FNP specializations and Post Graduate Nursing Certificates, FNP specialization.
- Error in course number for Integrated Clinical Experience: PHT 5440 corrected to PHT 5570 .
- In the Complaints Policy , updated the contact information to file a complaint in Georgia.
- Removed optional specializations language from tDPT program page as the Teaching & Learning and Executive Leadership specializations are not offered by the program.
- Added link to Student Achievement Data to Accreditations and Approvals .
- Updated University holidays for 2021 on the 2020–2021 Academic Calendar and 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
- Corrected Summer 2021 Mid-term Start date on the 2020–2021 Academic Calendar
- Added approved NG policy for EdD Dissertation courses under Grading System on the General Academic Policies page
- Updated to continue suspension of GRE requirement for MOT and OTD until Fall 2021.
- Removed notice that next enrollment for MHA and MHS is Summer 2021.
- Updated the Refund Policy for Iowa Residents enrolled prior to July 1, 2021 and Iowa Residents ernolled on or after July 1, 2021.