Sep 09, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog/Handbook (Fall) 
2024-2025 Catalog/Handbook (Fall)

Continuing Professional Education Faculty

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Last updated July 1, 2024


Cathy E. Busby, PT
BS Appalachian State University
MAT University of North Carolina
MS Duke University

Matt Daugherty, PT, OT
BA University of Akron
MOT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Eric Furto, PT
BSPT Northern Illinois University
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Amanda Grant, PT
BS University of New England
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Jennifer Flage Hobson, PT
BA University of Maryland
BS University of Maryland
BSPT Hogeschool van Amsterdam, The Netherlands
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Michael Irwin, PT
BA Slippery Rock College
BS Georgia State University
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
MHSc University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Eric Krell, PT
BScPT Southwest Baptist University
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

John Layne, PT
BS Brigham Young University – Physical Education
MPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Elaine Lonnemann, PT
BS University of Louisville
MScPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Scott Love, PT
BS St. Francis University – Health Science
MPT St. Francis University 
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
DHSc University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Garrett Mandel, PT 
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences 

Andy Naas, PT
BS Mercyhurst College
MPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
MHSc University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Catherine E. Patla, PT
BS Fairleigh Dickinson University
PTA Fairleigh Dickinson University
Certificate in PT University of Pennsylvania
MMSc Orthopaedics, Emory University
DHSc University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Melinda Petty, OT
BA Augustana College
MOT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Mark Strickland, PT
BSPT University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Markus Towne, PT
BSc Colorado State University – Health and Exercise Science, Sports Medicine
DPT University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 

Michael Turner, PT
BS University of Florida
MScPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

James A. Viti, PT
BS University of Maryland at Baltimore
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
MScPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Sabrina Wang, PT, OT
B.S. Arch IM University of Technology 
MOT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences     
DPT University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences